On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 07:30:18PM +0200, Robert wrote: > On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 12:28:44 +0000 > Jacob Meuser <jake...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote: > > > I am asking if it's worth while to make the beep work as much as > > possible. > > Ah, ok. > No, i guess the time and effort might be better spent elsewere, instead > of implementing workarounds for crappy codecs/hw implementations.
it's sometimes fairly easy to make the beep work. for example, the workaround for many realtek codecs is only a few lines of code. but still, if no one cares, then it seems pointless. > I am one of those that has bought a shitload of nice loud > piezo-speakers, because most cases don't come with internal speakers > anymore. I like to have my systems to additionally loop echo -n "\a" on > failing checks. > But still, if my next mobo purchase has one of the bugged codecs, > whatever, there's much more important stuff. > > In the replies to your request in this thread there doesn't > seem to be anyone who is missing the beep that much. > Some weeks back in the thread about 'to beep or not to beep by default' > the majority of replies went with "i turn it of as one of the first > things i do after the install". > (Still to beep by default is the way to go.) I agree, it should probably work if possible. > So is there anyone who doesn't have working beep on their system and is > missing it a lot? if so, send me a dmesg. -- jake...@sdf.lonestar.org SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org