On Sun, 14 Jun 2009 12:28:44 +0000
Jacob Meuser <jake...@sdf.lonestar.org> wrote:

> I am asking if it's worth while to make the beep work as much as
> possible.

Ah, ok.
No, i guess the time and effort might be better spent elsewere, instead
of implementing workarounds for crappy codecs/hw implementations.

I am one of those that has bought a shitload of nice loud
piezo-speakers, because most cases don't come with internal speakers
anymore. I like to have my systems to additionally loop echo -n "\a" on
failing checks.
But still, if my next mobo purchase has one of the bugged codecs,
whatever, there's much more important stuff.

In the replies to your request in this thread there doesn't
seem to be anyone who is missing the beep that much.
Some weeks back in the thread about 'to beep or not to beep by default'
the majority of replies went with "i turn it of as one of the first
things i do after the install".
(Still to beep by default is the way to go.)

So is there anyone who doesn't have working beep on their system and is
missing it a lot?

- Robert

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