2009/5/28 Johan Beisser <j...@caustic.org>:

>> I was trying to highlight to irix that once traffic is received, it is
>> too late to alter the bandwidth it already used coming in.
>> In other words, doing it on the incoming is pointless.  Thus, as in
>> your examples, the logic behind shaping only on the outbound.
> You can always inform the other end that your window is smaller than
> it is (pf.conf(5) red/rio/ecn on the queue).
> Or, simply randomly drop some incoming packets for that protocol to
> force retransmission (see pf.conf(5) "probability" flag for a given
> line) which should cause the remote end renegotiate its link to you as
> unreliable, and retransmit. A probability of 5% would prevent inbound
> connections from fully saturating.

I know this is an option, but forcing the resending of traffic doesn't
seem to be the most efficient method to me, when I could instead just
shape that same traffic when it leaves another interface.

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