Read the FAQ please
1) Get and update source code trough CVS 2) Rebuild kernel and boot with it 3) Rebuild binaries 4) Done There was thread about it last month I think.You haven't packages updated in -stable.You must use -current if you want updated packages.Ofcourse,that you can update packages on -stable,but really not all and you will be on your own in this case because FAQ : Keeping Things in Sync It is important to understand that OpenBSD is an Operating System, intended to be taken as a whole, not a kernel with a bunch of utilities stuck on. You must make sure your kernel, "userland" (the supporting utilities and files) and ports tree are all in sync, or unpleasant things will happen. Said another way (because people just keep making the error), you can not run brand new ports on a month old system, or rebuild a kernel from -current source and expect it to work with a -release userland. Yes, this does mean you need to upgrade your system if you want to run a new program which was added to the ports tree today. Sorry, but again, OpenBSD has limited resources available. One should also understand that the upgrade process is supported in only one direction: from older to newer, and from -stable to -current. You can not run 4.5-current (or a snapshot), then decide you are living too dangerously, and step back to 4.5-stable. You are on your own if you choose any path other than the supported option of reloading your system from scratch, do not expect assistance from the OpenBSD development team. Yes, this does mean you should think long and hard before committing yourself to using -current. 2009/5/17 Yuriy Grishin <>: > Martin Schrvder wrote: >> >> 2009/5/17, Yuriy Grishin <>: >> >>> >>> B OpenBSD just uses different approach, got it. >>> >> >> It's not a technological problem. >> >> Search the archives for discussions of security upgrades to ports. >> In short: The devs all run current and such don't need it; not enough >> users have stepped forward and started working on it. >> >> > > How does updating-to-stable work? > It updates the kernel right (?) > Does it update installed packages? > > -- > Code cheap ($3 per an application) > > --