Raimo Niskanen <raimo+openbsd <at> erix.ericsson.se> writes:
> Does not really bioctl say nothing? Try "bioctl sd3" > "bioctl softraid0", "bioctl -q sd3", "bioclt -q softraid0". Thanks, the first two do it; fault was on my side. I did try the latter 2, and both , well, I dunno what they tell me: # bioctl -q sd3 sd3: <OPENBSD, SR RAID 1, 003>, serial OPENBSD SR RAID 1 003 # bioctl -q softraid0 bioctl: DIOCINQ: No such file or directory Thanks again for the pointer to the first. Maybe an example could be added to the man pages? > The existing repair option as I recall it (again, search > the archives) is to backup the still working filesystems > sd3a and sd3b on the broken mirror, re-create the array > from scratch, and restore them. Yes, this is what I was thinking, and it is fine with me. (Though shoving in a new drive followed by -R would definitively be a huge progress.) > That sounds fatal. You should repair the RAID mirror, > not break the working half. Now both mirror halves > are probably regarded as broken. Your RAID is doomed. Sure. Agreed. But reboot ought to go through, as we discussed elsewhere. Thanks again, Uwe