Marco Peereboom <slash <at>> writes:

> > Maybe I wasn't all too clear? My expectation is not (yet) the automatic  
> > recovery of the respective half mirror! Sure not! I don't expect  
> > miracles. What I do expect, though, is a consistent, defined and  
> > predictable state.
> Your expectations are out of whack with reality.

Marco, I hope not. I think this is why I am using OpenBSD, e.g.
Predictability is number one for security, so consistency is a must as well.

Though we seem to agree what softraid should be doing from the statements below.

I propose to tar all photos and send them to you privately.

> > 0. Running sane raid
> > 1. One drive goes offline
> > What I'd expect, personally, would basically be minimally:
> > A. Immediate info about a drive lost.
> That is there.  And you haven't shown me any evidence it isn't.

You are right. I simply could not read from the man page the most obvious: that
the state is displayed without any options (and me stupid tried almost all
So I guess it still is a cronjob to scan for 'degraded'?

> > B. 2 half mirrors remaining that I can plug into another box, at least  
> > to access the data on either.
> No, 1 half mirror; the other one is basically lost.  You got an IO error
> for some reason.  There is no telling what didn't get written to it
> after the remaining chunk continued on its merry way.

Good to know.

> > C. No further attempt to use that drive that went offline any longer, at  
> > least not until a reboot.
> Right, and softraid will detect that it went tits up prior and ignore
> it.


> > D. That means, I won't have I/O errors, but the system running happily  
> > from the active drive,
> Right.


> > E. And it means that a reboot will go through smoothly.
> Right.


Meaning that we agree, and I'm looking forward to try again!


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