-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [HAR2009] Finall call for papers: submit before may 15th Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 21:09:50 +0200 From: HAR2009 <har-annou...@har2009.org> Reply-To: har-annou...@har2009.org To: annou...@har2009.org
Finall call for papers: submit before may 15th A significant number of interesting talks and workshops have been submitted already, but there is still room in the program for more. The uniting theme is, of course, technology. Explicitly sollicited are any talks, workshops or other activities that are about pure, hard technology. But, dont be afraid to submit anything of a less technical nature, maybe just skirting the fringes of technology. But, remember, _all_ talks and workshops should definetely be interesting and knowledgeable, hopefully be groundbreaking, and possibly, fun. The call for papers is available as [1]html, [2]pdf and [3]ascii. Please circulate widely: email your friends and relevant mailing lists. Proposals may be submitted on [4]https://pentabarf.har2009.org/submission/HAR2009, but must be in before may 15th. World community grid BOINC! Yes, head over to the [5]World Community Grid site now, download the BOINC client and help HAR2009 earn an extra buck! We invite you to join the World Community Grid HAR2009-Team, and donate some of your CPU power to worthy causes. IBM, who have recently become one of the event sponsors, will add to their pledged amount if we all manage to get 250 new and active WCG accounts up before June 1st. So set yourself up to join the HAR2009 team! If you are already active in the world community grid, use this link to [6]join the HAR2009 team. If you are not part of the Grid yet, go to [7]the WCG-website, download & install the software (BOINC) and join the team automagically! Speaking of sponsors, it is because of [8]these generous parties that it was possible to extend the early-bird deadline. Since our last announcement, the [9]NLnet foundation is also among those friends of HAR2009. They have done and are doing a lot to keep the world open! References 1. https://har2009.org/post/call-for-papers 2. http://har2009.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/har2009_call_for_papers.pdf 3. http://har2009.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/har2009_call_for_papers.txt 4. https://pentabarf.har2009.org/submission/HAR2009 5. http://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/reg/viewRegister.do?teamID=1SJQMVGGV1 6. http://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/team/viewTeamInfo.do?teamId=1SJQMVGGV1 7. http://secure.worldcommunitygrid.org/reg/viewRegister.do?teamID=1SJQMVGGV1 8. https://har2009.org/sponsors 9. http://nlnet.nl/ _______________________________________________ Har-announce mailing list har-annou...@har2009.org http://mx.har2009.org/mailman/listinfo/har-announce