
Now sure if anyone could give me a hint or pointer, but I very much would appreciated ANY help if there is actually something possible to do.

My Son did a mistake on his laptop tonight in trying to upgrade his OpenBSD partition to 4.5 and he is pretty devastated at the outcome.

He put the CD 4.5 in his laptop and booted from it. Then started the install but at the question "do you want to use all the disk space for OpenBSD" he did answer Yes. Right after that even he realize it was wrong and didn't proceed to anything else, just did CTL-C and stop there.

However looking back on his drive in shell mode with disklabel, of fdisk to look only, looks like there is only one partition now.

As for fdisk, it show 0, 1, 2, 3 with the #3 as OpenBSD for the full drive.

What he had there before as a boot loader was "refit" that allow him to select either OpenBSD or MAC.

He is pretty devastated and I am in unfamiliar territory here and before we do anything I try to research things, but I sure do not want to do anything that could destroy any data on the drive.

For what I could see, the data should still be there, or I hope it is anyway, but the partition table may be is gone.

I don't really know if there is a way, but ANY help would be extremely welcome right about now!

I am trying to find a way to help, or plan a possible recovery, but I must admit that I am in green territory here. Sure not a MAC user and I do not know what the possibility are here.

When you answer "YES" to the "Use all drive" at the install step, but do not do anything else, is there a way to restore that?

Again, the only step he did was yes to all drive and when he saw the disklabel prompt, realize it was wrong, press CTL-C and reboot, but then the laptop didn't reboot. Looks like the MBR or what ever it is in MAC was/is gone.

So, I guess all the data is there, but how to recover from that.

I have no idea and I hope anyone could help me. I do not know where to start to be totally honest here. MAC is not my world and I don't really know where to turn.

Sorry for the off topic question, I am hoping someone can land a hand if that's even possible to recover.

My Son is 14 in a month from now and he lost all his school work, witch he does need to recover.

This is a long email, sorry, I guess I plea for a generous hand if recover is possible.

A dad that try to help, but really have no clue where to start other then trying to wipe tiers right now from a panic son.

Many thanks in advance.



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