Chuck Robey wrote: > (I sure hope I was clear in my description, go ahead > and complain if I wasn't, I'll try again)
complain! :) I'm going to end up nit-picking your language, but mostly because, well, I'm confused. And no one else is responding, so I am going to take a wild guess that I might not be the only one... > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA1 > > During install, I got an error, saying (this is hand-copying, here): > > softraid0 at root > root on cd0a swap on cd0b dump on cd0b > stopped at debugger+0x4,leave > Panic: cannot read disklabel, 0x600/0xf00, error 5 whoa. "during install", yet you are showing the tail end of the dmesg, so that sounds like BEFORE install. And then there is that "root on cd0a" line. WTF? I don't think I've ever noticed an OpenBSD install or boot disk talk about root on a CDROM. > So, I thought I would give a short summary of what my system looks like, and > see > if I need to give more info, or if maybe this might be enough: [snip a whole bunch of generalities and a few specifics that would have been much better provided by a serial captured dmesg] > I looked, OpenBSD doesn't seem to have the driver for the (slightly old) 9650 > 3Ware (AMCC) Raid controller, so I might be forced to keep the install on this > 80G EIDE disk. Not what I want, but I'll live with it. The problem is, when > I > put the OpenBSD image (the one with the Firefox executeable in it, no GUI) in > the SATA DVD drive, it Panics on me while booting. again...what the heck are you talking about? It isn't OpenBSD! There is no "OpenBSD image" with a firefox executable and no GUI. > Any idea how I could get any further with this install? If you need any more > info, just ask, thanks. (I sure hope I was clear in my description, go ahead > and complain if I wasn't, I'll try again). Thanks 1) Use an OpenBSD boot CD, and install OpenBSD, not some Frankenstein monster. 2) IF things don't behave as you expect, get a serial console attached to the system. It looks like you are doing some kind of wacko "live CD", which might be all fun and wonderful, but it isn't OpenBSD and to ask for help on it on an OpenBSD mail list is a tad on the tacky side, to ask for help on it AND pretend everything is perfectly normal is completely tacky. :) Wild guess, though: you have two CD-like devices, you booted off one, your FrankenBSD boot disk assumed the other was cd0, and ta-da, no disklabel, which is EXACTLY what the error message said. But still...just do a normal OpenBSD install. It's easy, it works. Nick.