first please try a -current snapshot.

if it doesn't help, paste the *complete* dmesg from 4.2 and -current,
in text format, into a reply to m...@. don't worry that it is a long email.

to save dmesg without working network, you can:

1. install 4.2. then download a -current kernel, place it under a different
name e.g. "ftp -o /bsd.test";,
boot it and "dmesg > /dmesg.test". then reboot to 4.2 and copy the dmesg off 


2. copy the dmesg to a floppy or USB stick (or serial console if possible).
there's a short guide here:
(for USB stick, you would usually replace /dev/fd0a with /dev/sd0i or similar).

On 2009-04-16, =?GB2312?B?t8m3yQ==?= <> wrote:
> Hi, Fred
> I check my dmesg output, it include the "Realteck 8139", but have many "bad
> interrupt line" in the log.
> I attach the output of 4.4 and 4.2.
> Pls have a look at it.
> thanks.
> 2009/4/16 Fred Crowson <>
>> On 4/15/09, 7I7I <> wrote:
>> > Hi, guys.
>> > I download and burn the install4.4.iso recently. After I boot from this
>> cd
>> > and want to install system via internet, it can't find interface in my
>> > laptop. In the step of "configure network", the boot system can't find
>> any
>> > interface.
>> > My laptop is a HP old one with Celeron-M 1.5GHz and Intel 915 chip,
>> >  integrated realtek 8139 network card. This card works well in OpenBSD
>> 4.2
>> > cd, but failed in OpenBSD 4.4. The OpenBSD 4.2 install CD can detect my
>> > network card as interface "rl0"
>> >
>> > How to resolve it?
>> > Thanks.
>> Have you tried a -current snapshot?
>> And can you show the dmesg's from the working 4.2 install and the one
>> that failing?
>> Fred
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
> BSD4.2.jpg]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of 
> BSD4.4.jpg]

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