jmc wrote:
--- Bob Beck [Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 03:35:36PM -0600]: ---
* Cezary Morga <> [2009-04-09 15:14]:
Nick Guenther wrote:
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Bryan Irvine <> wrote:
The problem is that you can't use the pf mailing list from gmail.
Because people who use gmail aren't smart enough for PF? Because it's
a free webmail provider and so a source of spam?
Don't think I've actually ever seen an honest to goodness *spam* sourced
from gmail.. Seen lots of stupid people...
Because gmail doesn't resend e-mails from the same host the first delivery
attempt was made from. It fucks up spamd and every other greylisting app out
there. Of course it can be worked around, but it seems not everyone is willing
to do so.
It's easy to work around if you put google's outbound mx blocks in nospamd table -
which is what I do here.
this is exactly what i have done as well. it's been talked about before,
there's some good scripts to crib from in the archives to assist you.
one could also use the info at (someone here
pointed me to that recently). i think it's rather a shotgun approach to
apply it blindly, but there are good data there to start from.
one could also use the info at (someone here
pointed me to that recently). i think it's rather a shotgun approach to
apply it blindly, but there are good data there to start from.
Here is something that might help you.
I use it in a cronjob and update PF with it.
Not perfect and it could be improve, but it work as long as spf records
are provided obviously.
It's really easy to use, just add the spf records in the list and run
it. That's all there is to it and obviously, load it into your pf table
as well when it's done.
You can change the $FILE path for what you setup, I use to keep it into
/var/db, but then with a few changes that the project is doing, I may
move the file to /etc/mail, witch most likely might be more logical ther
in the first place.
After you ran it, you will get a nice looking file with what you need to
just plug it into pf.
Hope it help you some anyway.
rm -f $FILE
touch $FILE
for domain in \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
echo \#$domain >> $FILE;
dig $domain TXT +short | tr "\ " "\n" | grep ^ip4: | cut -d: -f2 >> $FILE;