* Cezary Morga <c...@therek.net> [2009-04-09 15:14]:
> Nick Guenther wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Bryan Irvine <sparcta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > The problem is that you can't use the pf mailing list from gmail.
> > >
> > > -Bryan
> >
> > Because people who use gmail aren't smart enough for PF? Because it's
> > a free webmail provider and so a source of spam?

        Don't think I've actually ever seen an honest to goodness *spam* sourced
from gmail.. Seen lots of stupid people...

> Because gmail doesn't resend e-mails from the same host the first delivery 
> attempt was made from. It fucks up spamd and every other greylisting app out 
> there. Of course it can be worked around, but it seems not everyone is 
> willing 
> to do so.

        It's easy to work around if you put google's outbound mx blocks in 
nospamd table - 
which is what I do here. 

        Not everyone is willing to try to find what those are of course.. 
google doesn't
make is easy.


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