On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Stefan Sperling <s...@stsp.name> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 01:36:21AM +0000, Bryan wrote:
>> Okay I did exactly as your e-mail suggested. B I started the box, put
>> the blu-ray in, and issued a ctrl-alt-esc, and went to ddb>, typed
>> "continue", and then ssh'ed into the box from antoher system.
>> From the SSH session, I attempted to mount the disc. B "mount /dev/cd0c
>> /cdrom", and.... B nothing... B no output on the screen, and my ssh
>> session is dead. B nothing on the screen, just a blinking cursor...
> Can you get a disklabel from the thing?
> B  B  B  B disklabel cd0
> Note that 'c' means "entire disk". Can you try e.g. /dev/cd0a if that
> exists in disklabel?
>> Here's the output:
>> #Stopped at B  B  Debugger+0x4: B  B  leave
>> ddb> continue
>> *blinking cursor*
> So the cursor still blinks even though the system does not respond
> to keystrokes and network I/O?

I've seen stranger things. Years ago, a linux-based firewall
(ipchains) had crashed but the filter rules were still working. I kid
you not. I have yet to figure out how that is possible.


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