What it this? Is this for real? You seems to be a troll...I mean...A
TROLL!!! (UPPER CASE...yes...the world is case sensitive!!)
Go away and don't waste our time anymore....and please...go to your
bookstore and buy a Unix book...or RTFM. You can start here: man man
If you don't know what the RTFM means..please...install the "wtf" package
(you already know how to do that...right?? You get a lot of responses in
your previous thread) and write:
wtf RTFM
On Tue, 7 Apr 2009, Jose P.G wrote:
Hi, i have installed openbsd 4.4 with gnome and i don't know what package i
have to install for mount HDDs or usbs. Somebody could helo me?
Thank you very much.