Hello Wim,

on October 4, 2007, i sent a substantial donation to your former OpenBSD
donations bank account

  BIC:            KREDBEBB
  IBAN:           BE93 7370 1774 3767
  Account holder: OpenBSD  (not kd85.com)
  Reference text: Donation to OpenBSD; Keep up the good work...

Four days later, i received your confirmation mail cited below.
On January 4, 2008, you also committed a few lines to donations.html:

Now, to my surprise, i just learnt that
 1) According to Theo, the donation i'm talking about would have
    been sufficient to fund more than half of the hotel costs
    of the p2k7 ports hackathon in Hungary.
 2) Even though you initially paid the hotel costs for that hackathon,
    you later charged the full amount of those hotel costs back to
    the Computer Shop of Calgary, to be paid by OpenBSD.
 3) According to Theo, http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=123863915225785
    the grand total he ever received out of said donations account was
    EUR 2802.48, so clearly the donation i'm talking about cannot
    be contained in that sum.  According to Theo, since the
    autumn of 2007, he never received any other donated money
    proxied through you.

Legally speaking, when you decided to set up that account, you offered
to accept orders to transmit donations to the OpenBSD project, acting
as an agent on behalf of the people sending money to that account.
When acting as an agent,
 - you must notify the principal in case you refuse an order (663)
 - on request, you must provide information regarding the
   progress of the execution of the order (666)
 - you must give an account of the execution to the principal (666)

So, in case you completed the order, i hereby request that you
give an account of the execution, preferably by showing the bank
statements of the donation account to Theo de Raadt.  In case
you did not yet complete my order, i hereby request that you
provide information to me about the progress you are making.
In the latter case, i reserve the right to (1) cancel the order,
asking you to send back the donation to me (671), and to (2) charge
interest for the sum in question from October 2007 until today (668).

The article numbers cited refer to the German BGB, but i doubt
that Belgian civil law is substantially different.

To make tracking easier for you, i'm sending the exact details,
in particular my bank account information and the precise amount
of the donation, in a seperate private mail.

Thank you for helping to shed some light on this issue,
  Ingo Schwarze

----- Forwarded message from Wim Vandeputte <w...@kd85.com> -----

Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 13:41:31 +0200
From: Wim Vandeputte <w...@kd85.com>
To: schwa...@usta.de
Subject: donation
Message-ID: <20071008114131.ga3...@togetic.kd85.com>


thank you for your donation, it will be used to pay for the hotel
costs of the upcoming ports hackathon in Hungary

You are coming to OpenCon?

----- End forwarded message -----

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