I have some problems with using OpenBSD 4.4's dhcpd together with
Mitel VoIP phones that I'd hope someone could shed some light on.
Mitel VoIP phones requires custom options to load firmware, set VLAN
etc and i cant quite get it to work with OpenBSD's dhcpd. it works
fine one a Linux box running isc-dhcp 3.0.6 although curiously not
enough on isc-dhcp on OpenBSd 4.4.

# MITEL specific options
option space mitel;
option mitel.tftp code 128 = ip-address;
option mitel.icp code 129 = ip-address;
option mitel.id code 130 = text;
option mitel.vlan code 132 = signed integer 32;
option mitel.l2p code 133 = signed integer 32;
option mitel.dscp code 134 = unsigned integer 8;

option mitel.tftp;
option mitel.icp;
option mitel.id         "MITEL IP PHONE";
option mitel.vlan       11;
option mitel.l2p        6;
option mitel.dscp       46;

I know OpenBSd's dhcp does not support options the same way but I
thought the below would work:

option option-128       "";
option option-129       "";
option option-130       "MITEL IP PHONE";
option mitel.vlan      02;
option mitel.l2p        06;
option mitel.dscp       46;

The Mitel phones complain that option 128 is missing (I take this to
mean that it have the wrong format or type since it's obviously there)
and goes no further.
I'm hoping it's just a matter of figuring out how to use the options
and format them correctly.

Lars Hansson

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