On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:45:44 +0100, Laurens Vets <laur...@daemon.be> wrote:

Laurens Vets wrote:
Alexandre Verriere wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Laurens Vets a icrit :
My boss ask how to move current obsd server to virtualiaztion ( such
as  openvz, vmare , etc ) .
anyone in here sucsess moving obsd to Environment  virtualization (
openvz , vmware  etc ) , may be want share to me ?
So obsd become guest OS  ?

ps: i'm so sory to ask this because Efficiency  and reduce IT cost .

Works great for me under VMware.

    /  L
How are you shutting down the OpenBSD guest when you stop VMware? Manually?

This can be achieved with FreeBSD compt turned on this way:

halt the obsd guest then set his type to freebsd and back up install the
vmware tools:

mount /dev/cd0c /mnt
tar -xzf /mnt/vmware-freebsd-tools.tar.gz -C /tmp
mkdir -p /emul/freebsd/sbin
install -m 555 -o root -g wheel
/tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/lib/sbin32/vmware-guestd /emul/freebsd/sbin
cp -r /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/etc /etc/vmware-tools

then tune your sysctl.conf

Add this one to your rc.local:

if [ -x /emul/freebsd/sbin/vmware-guestd ]; then
    echo -n ' vmware-tools'
    /emul/freebsd/sbin/vmware-guestd --background
/var/run/vmware-guestd.pid --halt-command "/sbin/shutdown -p -h now"

Now you can use vmware scripts to automate power management of your vm.

Hope this helps.
Doesn't work for me. Vmware-guestd doesn't want to run and the message "Abort trap" is printed...

Btw, this is on OpenBSD 4.4 i386 and VMware Server 2.0

I use VMWare Workstation 6.5.1 which, as far as I know, uses the same
hw-compat as Server 2.0 and it sometimes bring my whole machine down
when running OpenBSD 4.4. The crashes are quite random.
Difficult to determine the problem for me though as I changed hardware,
and thus OS, and changed from Workstation 6.0 to 6.5 and OpenBSD-version
to 4.4 at the same time. =)
Previous versions has worked wonders.
I'm kinda curious on if it would be possible to figure out what the
changes are and write a DoS-sploit for VMware/host-OS from it. =)
Host OS would be a Linux 64-bit on Core2Duo if anyone wondered.

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