On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 11:33 +0100, Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
> Am 04.03.2009 um 11:23 schrieb Lars Noodin:
> > It's probably simplest to start with pftop.
> After a first quick look pftop is a great tool for debugging und
> manually monitoring firewall activity. But it seems that I really
> can't use it for a data source collector for cacti, can I?
> > Or do you want visualization?
> > http://www.openbsd.org/4.4_packages/i386/pfstat-2.3p0.tgz-long.html
> Yes, but I want to use cacti for visualization as I use it for
> anything else :)

you can still use 'extend's in (net-)snmpd.conf that use pfctl to gain
some numbers, like "states created" and such. One can then create SNMP
OID based graphs in cacti.

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