On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 09:32 +0100, Falk Brockerhoff - smartTERRA GmbH
> Hello,
> I like to monitor my firewalls using snmp and cacti. But I don't know  
> how to get all the information about pf, states, etc. On the net I  
> only found hints about older OpenBSD Versions (I use OpenBSD 4.4 - 
> stable and the included snmpd). Can you please give me a hint into the  
> right direction?

As far as I remember, including a 'PF-MIB' into opensnmpd is on reyk@'s
ever growing todo list already.


 Stephan A. Rickauer

 Institute of Neuroinformatics         Tel  +41 44 635 30 50
 University / ETH Zurich               Sec  +41 44 635 30 52
 Winterthurerstrasse 190               Fax  +41 44 635 30 53
 CH-8057 Zurich                        Web    www.ini.uzh.ch

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