Hello! :-)

> I found this post to openbsd-security

Hehe, my old post. Was to openbsd-ports though, originally.

> Any idea how to get tentakel running?

That problem seems to be still unsolved. I still don't know much about
Python, so what I do on my -current system is, I simply have the old
tentakel-2.1.2p0.tgz package in my local package directory and use
that one. I once looked what changed from tentakel-2.1.2p0.tgz to
tentakel-2.1.2p1.tgz, and as far as I remember that was a one line
change to use python 2.5 instead of python 2.4. The old tentakel
package works just fine for me on -current with the current (or
4.4-release version on 4.4 systems) Python 2.4 version.

What you need is:

tentakel-2.1.2p0.tgz from your preferred mirror, the version for
OpenBSD 4.2, it's in  /pub/OpenBSD/4.2/packages/i386/

$ env | grep PKG

$ ls -l /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/tentakel-2.1.2p0.tgz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  51731 Apr 12  2008

$ head -1 `which tentakel`


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