On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Rudi Ludwig <rud...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Opening a new Konsole in KDE and trying some commands:
> ibook:/usr/home/rudi$ /bin/pwd
> /usr/home/rudi
> ibook:/usr/home/rudi$ cd
> ibook:~$ /bin/pwd
> /usr/home/rudi
> ibook:~$ echo $HOME
> /home/rudi
> ibook:~$ echo $PWD
> /home/rudi
> ibook:~$
> To me the issue is mostly cosmetic, but I have to admit that the
> first command I type in is almost always "cd"  to get a short and
> readable command prompt. And I would like to avoid that extra.

When the shell is started by konsole, or xterm, or login, it's working
directory has already been set to $HOME.  At that point, it can only
see the physical path (sans symlinks).  If you want it to see the
logical path, then you need to have it do a chdir itself...as you
figured out when you do 'cd' first thing.

So, just put some logic into your .profile to cd $HOME if the physical
directory is that of $HOME.

case $PWD in
  $(cd $HOME && pwd -P) ) cd $HOME;;

Philip Guenther

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