On Monday 12 January 2009 17:41:09 mhe...@gmail.com wrote:

> > within an xsession or when login in remotely via ssh the initial
> > path
> >
> > is always: /usr/home/ despite $PATH being /home/
> >
> > That is, xterm initially reads: ibook:/usr/home/rudi$
> >
> > instead of just: ibook:~$
> >
> >
> >
> > Is this a configuration issue or a bug/feature of xterm?
> xterm is innocent here. It is the shell running inside xterm that
> displays the prompt.
> Which shell are you using, how did you configure the prompt?
> with ksh(1), using "export PS1='\h:\w$ '" to define the prompt, I get
> the correct result most of the time, even if /bin/pwd reports
> /usr/home/matthieu.
> Other shells may behave differently.

okay it is korn shell:
line from /etc/passwd

my .profile reads:
# $OpenBSD: dot.profile,v 1.4 2005/02/16 06:56:57 matthieu Exp $
# sh/ksh initialization


EDITOR=vi; export EDITOR
EXINIT='set autoindent'; export EXINIT
PAGER=less; export PAGER

PS1='\h:\w$ '; export PS1

set -o vi

umask 0022

Opening a new Konsole in KDE and trying some commands:
ibook:/usr/home/rudi$ /bin/pwd
ibook:/usr/home/rudi$ cd
ibook:~$ /bin/pwd
ibook:~$ echo $HOME
ibook:~$ echo $PWD

To me the issue is mostly cosmetic, but I have to admit that the
first command I type in is almost always "cd"  to get a short and
readable command prompt. And I would like to avoid that extra.


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