On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 11:41:03AM +0100, David Vasek wrote:
> I am always getting similar transfer speeds (up to 5MB/s) under OpenBSD  
> (and the same with NetBSD) with external USB hard disks too, while the  
> real transfer speed under some other OS's (Linux, Windows) is around 28  
> MB/s on the same hardware. I mean, on the very same pieces of hardware,  
> usually running a different OS from a live CD. As far as I remember, it 
> is for both reading and writing.
> It seems to me to be by design of umass(4) or other USB drivers. There  
> must be reason for it.

i think linux "lies" about it finishing the write, try for example writing a
big-ish file to usb disk and than umounting the volume, it will take
aprox. the same time as doing those two operations on OBSD.

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