On 2008-10-21, Emilio Perea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 06:11:07PM +0900, Stephane Lapie wrote:
>> I am currently working with a Portwell NAR-5530 (network appliance running 
>> off Intel hardware, can use regular HDs or CF cards as boot device).
>> We want to use this at work for network appliances, but end up bumping in 
>> the following problem : the kernel detects any device plugged to the 
>> controller (SATA or CF) as UltraDMA-5, even though the BIOS specifies 
>> otherwise clearly.
> I had the same problem with an early Soekris 4801 which was not wired to
> support DMA or U-DMA on the CF slot.  The solution was to disable both
> with the 0x0ff0 flag to wd (see the wd man page):
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
> frisco# config -o new -e bsd.rd
> OpenBSD 4.4 (RAMDISK_CD) #857: Tue Aug 12 17:31:49 MDT 2008
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/RAMDISK_CD
> Enter 'help' for information
> ukc> change wd
>  32 wd* at wdc0|wdc1|wdc*|wdc*|pciide*|pciide* channel -1 flags 0x0
> change [n] y
> channel [-1] ?
> flags [0] ? 0x0ff0
>  32 wd* changed
>  32 wd* at wdc0|wdc1|wdc*|wdc*|pciide*|pciide* channel -1 flags 0xff0
> ukc> q
> Saving modified kernel.
> frisco# mv new bsd.rd
> frisco#
> *----------------------------------------------------------------------*
> Do the same with bsd and it should install fine.  Once you have it
> working properly you might be able to fine tune it to use a DMA mode it
> supports, but this will get you going.

You missed the part lower down in Stephane's email (read down past
the dmesg), showing exactly what's happening in the source code and
why changing "flags" does not have an effect.

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