gm_sjo ha scritto:
2008/10/10 Breen Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
When you have proven yourself even 10% as helpful to the cause of OpenBSD as
Theo is, then maybe, just maybe, you are justified in criticizing his
tactics. I look forward to that point in time, but until then I really have
no reason to side with you, nor should anyone else who is informed on this
Dear lord, it's brainwashed minions such as yourself that make me
wonder why I continously donate money to the 'cause'. But of course,
that's irrelevant, right?
No, it's not. If you think to pay to have developers with mouth shout
you're really wrong.
The 'cause' is to make Openbsd to be Openbsd, if Theo express an opinion
about vendors they dont do nothing wrong just because he express the
reality of situation.
You have an unix-like o.s. "secure by default" (i dont pay royalties for
that :) ) with some hardware supported just because some drunk vendors
give documentations to openbsd developers or maybe because some addicted
developer (developers) make a reverse engeenering of that driver. That
the cause. You pay to have a good and stable operating system, and make
openbsd to work good enough just with documentation and drivers blob
free. You think Openbsd staff spend your money to buy documentations and
to keep his mouth shut with others ?
P.S.: Sorry for my bad english :)
P.S.2: Theo and developers, stop to use his money to buy trojan condoms :)