Are we really arguing whether or not its ever appropriate to call someone a
bastard on public mailing list? Who cares? Suigesting that Theo becom less
inflamatory didn't go so well for NetBSD, neither did pandering to hardware
vendors so that their OS could run anywhere. Doesn't it seem reasonable that
someone take a hard line with these folks, and isn't it established that
this is the place. Theo has accomplished some important things, and did so
using his tactics, aren't the nice folks who'll sign any NDA no matter how
braindead, and who will jump through whatever other ridiculous hoops a
hardware vendor creates following that thread to its logical conclusion.
Around here its going to be' "safe simple and secure", and hardware vendors
whom fail to live up to their promises, whom bait and switch documentation,
whom engage free operating system developers only on some misguided MBA's
terms are going to be called ("shudder") "bastards".
Even if we were convinced that the carrot was 9x as effective as the stick,
we still need the stick for the other 10%.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 3:55 PM, gm_sjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2008/10/10 Breen Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > When you have proven yourself even 10% as helpful to the cause of OpenBSD
> as
> > Theo is, then maybe, just maybe, you are justified in criticizing his
> > tactics. I look forward to that point in time, but until then I really
> have
> > no reason to side with you, nor should anyone else who is informed on
> this
> > matter.
> Dear lord, it's brainwashed minions such as yourself that make me
> wonder why I continously donate money to the 'cause'. But of course,
> that's irrelevant, right?

Some software money can't buy. For everything else there's Micros~1.

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