
I am trying to set up Tor (the onion router) as a transparent proxy using a suggested PF ruleset. It doesn't work though, and I cant figure out how the PF ruleset is supposed to work, so maybe someone can help me understand/fix it?

The idea is that PF sends all TCP traffic to Tor's transparent proxy port, and all DNS requests to Tor's DNS port,
and blocks everything else (Tor only supports TCP)
There is also something about mapping virtual IP addresses:
I am guessing it makes a reply to the local DNS requests to send it to addresses Tor is bound to?

I think my problem is that I am trying to use DHCP (so I can connect to new networks without reconfiguring)
with it and the ruleset looks like its set up for a static IP.

Anyway here is the setup recommended by the Tor wiki, with my notes on what I think its supposed to do. Maybe people can correct me where I'm wrong. I cant find the person that wrote the wiki page and most of the Tor users don't know anything about PF. I have been reading about PF and trying to decipher it for several days
but its very confusing for me.

First edit resolv.conf to read:
   lookup file bind
# I think this is to redirect all DNS requests to Tor (which listens on port 53)
   # One problem with DHCP is that this file is overwritten with every boot

   ifconfig lo1 create up
   # creates a new loopback interface lo1 and binds it to
   # lo interfaces loop back to allow local communication

Then edit pf.conf:
   # destinations you don't want routed through Tor
   non_tor = "{ }"
       # 192.168.*.* are local network addresses (but what is what?)

   # Tor's TransPort
   trans_port = "9040"
scrub in
       # cleans up packet fragmentation etc. when incoming
rdr pass on lo1 inet proto tcp all -> port $trans_port # any packets not matching below rules: pass incoming and outgoing TCP traffic in lo1 to Tor
   rdr pass on lo1 inet proto udp to port domain -> port domain
# any packets not matching below rules: pass incoming and outgoing UDP traffic in lo1 to the local address (and Tor if it is port 53)

   block return out
# any outgoing packets not matching below rules are dropped and an error is returned pass out quick on lo0 route-to lo1 inet proto tcp to flags S/SA modulate state # passes any TCP leaving lo0 to lo1 and then to whatever virtual address tor assigned
   pass quick on { lo0 lo1 } keep state
       # ?
pass out quick inet to $non_tor keep state
       # any packets matching non tor addresses are passed out
   pass out quick inet proto tcp user _tor flags S/SA modulate state
       # any outgoing TCP packets from _tor user are passed out
   pass out quick route-to lo1 inet proto udp to port domain keep state
# send outgoing UDP packets first to lo1 and then to whaterver port/domain specified
   pass out route-to lo1 inet proto tcp all flags S/SA modulate state
       # send outgoing TCP packets to lo1 and then ?

Start up Tor and load the new PF ruleset

It seems overly complicated to me. Why the multiple loopback interfaces?
I wouldn't think that the PF ruleset needs to be that complex.
Just something like:

   Get assigned IP addresses from DHCP
      # (no idea how to do this)

   If the traffic originates from the _tor user, let it through
Maybe something here about letting some kinds of system traffic through (like DHCP handshakes)

   Send all outgoing TCP traffic to Tor's transparent proxy port
   Send all outgoing UDP DNS requests to Tor's DNS port
   Block all other outgoing requests

Maybe someone can help me understand this better so I can rewrite the PF ruleset.


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