[Picking up on this old thread]

Question for those of you running OpenBSD HVM DomUs, does your IO 
performance suck?


I have OpenBSD 4.3 DomU running HVM mode with 1x vcpu on top on 
OpenSolaris b97 xVM Dom0, which pins down 2x vcpus (box is a quad-core 
1.9GHz opteron with 8GB mem).  Like John (below), I also pass 
"model=ne2k_pci" as part of the vif.   The system is reasonably 
responsive over console when not doing any IO, especially disk, when the 
performance tanks.  To put this in perspective, when I was installing 
OpenBSD, it took 30+ mins for it to install the packages and thats not 
including any of the X packages!  Likewise, a simple file-copy test gave 
me these results:

    Copy large file from Desktop to Dom (using `scp`) :
        Dom0:   ~27136KB/s   (opensolaris b97)
        DomU:      ~322KB/s   (openbsd 4.3, hvm)                           

    Copy large file from Dom to Desktop (using `scp`):
        Dom0:  ~28441KB/s   (opensolaris b97)
        DomU:     ~662KB/s   (openbsd 4.3, hvm)

Finally, running `bonnie++` on the Dom0 in DomU gives:

_*Bonnie++ on Dom0*_

Version 1.03d     ------ Sequential Output ------    --- Sequential 
Input ---    --Random-
                  -Per Char-  --Block--  -Rewrite-   --Per Char--   
--Block--    --Seeks--
Machine   Size    K/sec %CP   K/sec %CP  K/sec %CP     K/sec %CP    
K/sec %CP    K/sec %CP
san        8G     67051  85   166574 59  126454 63     71058  96    
362940 76    1645   11

                   ------ Sequential Create ------    -------- Random 
Create --------
                   -Create--  --Read---  -Delete--    -Create--  
--Read---  -Delete--
         files     K/sec %CP  K/sec %CP  K/sec %CP    K/sec %CP  K/sec 
%CP  K/sec %CP
           16      15815  99  +++++ +++  22903  99    15222  99  +++++ 
+++  22339  99

_*Bonnie++ in zvol-backed DomU  (openbsd 4.3, hvm)*_

Version 1.03      ------ Sequential Output ------    --- Sequential 
Input ---    --Random-
                  -Per Char-  --Block--  -Rewrite-   --Per Char--   
--Block--    --Seeks--
Machine   Size    K/sec %CP   K/sec %CP  K/sec %CP     K/sec %CP    
K/sec %CP    K/sec %CP
puffy     300M      451   0     295   0    184   0       976   4     
1521   2     26.8   1

                   ------ Sequential Create ------    -------- Random 
Create --------
                   -Create--  --Read---  -Delete--    -Create--  
--Read---  -Delete--
         files     K/sec %CP  K/sec %CP  K/sec %CP    K/sec %CP  K/sec 
%CP  K/sec %CP
           16          8   1  +++++ +++     16   1        8   1  +++++ 
+++     10  0

I have already posted these results to the xVM mailing list and they 
said that they have never seen the HVM performance this bad before 
(where 30Mb/s is the norm) and also offered:

    If this was just disk or net then I'd suspect that the device
    emulation simply didn't match up well with the OpenBSD driver, but
    given that you're seeing both as slow it may well be a broader

BTW, my networking performance is also not great - its about ~7 Mb/s - 
over GE interfaces using Cat5e.  This is also slow as running the same 
`iperf` test when openbsd is on the bare-metal gives ~534 Mb/s.  Just 
the same, 7 Mb/s is way faster than my disk I/O (~0.5 Mb/s avg).

So, for those of you running OpenBSD HVM DomUs,  does your IO 
performance suck this bad too?


John Jackson wrote:
> OpenBSD as DomU works using hardware virtualization for me.  There's
> the occasional lockup that I haven't looked into too much.  You can
> launch vncviewer to get a console.  My working config is at the bottom.
> John
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 11:55:05PM +0100, Julien Cabillot wrote:
>> It's work but I had really bad performances with the network (timeout on
>> the interface re).
>> Dmesg: http://www.openbsd-france.org/ml/archives/msg02494.html
> I found that setting the vif interface to 'model=ne2k_pci' helps with 
> the timeouts.
>> On jeu, 2008-02-07 at 00:29 +0200, NetOne - Doichin Dokov wrote:
>>> I'm looking to replace a Linux domU with a BSD one, preferably OpenBSD.
>>> Anyone any success running stable OpenBSD (FreeBSD would also suffice)
>>> as domU in a Xen system? If so, willing to share config / how-to /
>>> experience?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Doichin
> Here's a working Xen config:
> =================================================================
> import os, re
> arch = os.uname()[4]
> if re.search('64', arch):
>     arch_libdir = 'lib64'
> else:
>     arch_libdir = 'lib'
> kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
> builder='hvm'
> memory = 256
> name = "obsd"
> pae=0
> vif = [ 'type=ioemu, mac=00:16:3e:7d:be:ef, model=ne2k_pci' ]
> disk = [ 
> 'file:/disk/homer.disk,hda,w','file:/disk/obsd42_amd64.iso,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' 
> ]
> device_model = '/usr/' + arch_libdir + '/xen/bin/qemu-dm'
> boot='cd'
> sdl=0
> vnc=1
> vncviewer=0
> nographic=0
> stdvga=0
> serial='pty'
> ne2000=1
> audio=0
> localtime=1
> =================================================================

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