Hi all,
Have someone this model of LCD? http://www.benq.com/products/LCD/?product=1280 It's running fine under Mandriva 2008.1 or others Linux distributions. but under OBSD I can't setup 1440x900.Monitor is still running on [EMAIL PROTECTED] .I tried X -configure and xorgconfig,both are running fine. I have ATI 9250 rv280 (I tried ati and radeon driver),with xorgconfig there isn't option for 1440x900 in modes.When I use X -configure,then I have 1440x900(which is first) and 1280x1024.Even if I type it directly in xorg.conf,I have still 1280x1024. Monitor has 31-83kHz and 55-76 Hz (yea,"interesting" LCD :-)).But 55-76 is not running with message Out of range.I must have 75-75 for X. Any idea what will be wrong?Especially with modes in xorgconfig?ati and radeon driver is running fine on other OS's. Sorry,that I haven't X.org.log,I'm not at home right now.But it's clear without (EE). Thanks a lot