On Jul 17, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Marc Balmer wrote:
* Shizzle Cash wrote:
On Jul 17, 2008, at 8:42 AM, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
agreed. I barely can wait to see Ty Semaka artwork for 4.4.
it should include monkeys. And amoebas too.
I agree, monkeys should definitely be somehow incorporated into the
for the next release.
ty draws openbsd developers as fish. and I think that we, the openbsd
developers, did enough to warrant a nice topic for the next release.
no need to resort to that strange monkey business.
or do you want to honour a stupid remark made by l. by making him
the main theme of our next release? I don't think so. we have
more substantial work that goes into our next release than the
stupid remark of a wanking fat penguin that all to obviously does
not understand what we do.
I concede your point. My agreement wasn't meant to dishonor the dev
team. I just agree with a previous statement that owning something
that was intended as an insult can diffuse the intended malice while
at the same time providing a bit of mirth for the person at whom the
insult was directed.