* Rolf Sommerhalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-19 21:47]:
> After the update to the current snapshop of Saturday June 7, I observed
> loosing memory at a rate of about 12 MByte per day, on both the inner
> and outer cluster nodes. (I use Cacti to SNMP get memory usage and graph
> free memory.)
> Two days ago, I updated all four node to the latest snapshot again.
> Since, the leak has apparently been plugged on the filtering router
> inner firewall nodes. But it persists on the two filtering bridges outer
> firewall node. The leak rate is the same for the active and the passive
> node, still about 12 MByte per day.

just fir the record, this seems to be resolved now with latest -current 
and some private emails.

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