you're right - i'm having a hard time digging up the relevant citation
If i remember correctly, the explanation usually given is that the x*
distribution sets are built separately from the other packages.
( different times, different machines ). it would be complicated to
maintain a single checksum file under these circumstances.
As to why there aren't 2 different checksum files, one for the regular
sets and one for the xenocara sets, I can only speculate that none of
the developers feels a pressing need to implement such a system.
On Jun 19, 2008, at 11:57 PM, Stephen Day wrote:
On 19/6/2008, "Ben Calvert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jun 19, 2008, at 12:24 PM, Stephen Day wrote:
The MD5's for the X packages seem to be missing from the
directories for 4.3 and snapshots.
google is your friend
Google didn't show more than the statement that these are missing,
I already know.
What I'm looking for is why they are missing and whether they could be