On Tue, 17 Jun 2008, Pieter Verberne wrote:
On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 08:52:44AM -0500, Ed Ahlsen-Girard wrote:
I'm curious as to the 'modal' laptop that the developers use - that would
probably be a good steer for what to buy.
Anyone interested in making a database with as many laptops as possible
with me? I would like to create a permissive-licensed, laptop
comparisation database. I do these things more often in CSV:
I want anyone to be able to download the database file itself since a
webapplication for database querying is more limited I think.
I want to compare as many as possible things. For example:
CPU, memory, HD, audiocard, speakers, optical drive, OS, warranty, GPU,
case-material, webcam, tracking devices, fingerprint, keyboard layout,
NIC, size, weight, accu (durability) etc etc.
I think I could make up more than 50 comparable things.
I'm not experienced with databases at all, but I like to create content.
First I want to discuss what datamodel we are going to us. And would it
be possible to create such a database via CVS?
I'm willing to help, but I think it would be better to use a "real"
database like sqlite.
If you need help with the database format, I can make a quick mock-up
tonight. I'm not experienced with desktop (gui) applications, but web
based or cli stuff I can help you with.
Send me an (off list) email with your plans/requirements and I'll see
what I can do.
Pieter Verberne
www: http://brobding.mine.nu/
Netiquette Guidelines: http://www.apps.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1855.html