On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:56:54AM +0200, Paul de Weerd wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 10:35:17AM +0200, Pieter Verberne wrote:
> | I want to compare as many as possible things. For example:
> | CPU, memory, HD, audiocard, speakers, optical drive, OS, warranty, GPU,
> | case-material, webcam, tracking devices, fingerprint, keyboard layout,
> | NIC, size, weight, accu (durability) etc etc.
> | I'm not experienced with databases at all, but I like to create content.
> | First I want to discuss what datamodel we are going to us. And would it
> | be possible to create such a database via CVS?
> No offense, but such initiatives are usually met with little
> enthusiasm. Actions and words, and all that jazz. My advice would be
> to just do it and announce it and see if it's popular. Don't debate it
> in a committee and end up with nothing.
Hmm.. you're right.

 Pieter Verberne

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