Otto Moerbeek writes:
 > On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 09:28:55PM -0700, Marco S Hyman wrote:

 > > Alas, my joy was short lived: once the bsd.rd is running the
 > > USB keyboard isn't recognized.  I'm sitting at the (I)nstall,
 > > (U)pgrade, or (S)hell? prompt and can't go any further.

  Heh... didn't realize I copied misc.

 > On a macbook, not all USB ports are created equal. You have to use the
 > frontmost USB port for the external keyboard when installing. Perhaps
 > something similar is the case for the mini?

A cookie for Otto.   Moving the keyboard from the port closest to the
edge to the port closest to the video connector (guess, from port
4 to port 1) did the trick.   It was either that or the fact that
this time I booted an amd64 CD instead of the i386 CD.  My guess
is that it was moving the keyboard that did the trick.

Many, many thanks.

Now on to some disk partitioning.

// marc

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