sonjaya writes:
 > Also default minimac is only 1 ethernet  how to add another ethernet
 > can support in minimac and openbsd.

Yes.  My web/mail server is a mac mini.   The only problem was finding
a usb ethernet that worked.   I had to try three of them before I found
one supported.  This one works fine:

  axe0 at uhub0 port 6 configuration 1 interface 0 \
        "Cisco-Linksys USB200M v2" rev 2.00/0.01 addr 2
  axe0: AX88772, address 00:16:b6:ef:6e:83
  ukphy0 at axe0 phy 16: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. 1: \
        OUI 0x000ec6, model 0x0001

sonjaya also writes:
 > any other device sugesstion?

Take a look at the back of the mini.   What openings in the case do you
see?  For a second wired ethernet your only choice is USB as OpenBSD
doesn't support firewire.  I don't know if the built in wireless works
as I've never tried it.  It is recognized by the kernel:

  ath0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR5424" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 17 (irq 
  ath0: AR5424 10.3 phy 6.1 rf 10.2, WOR5_ETSIC, address 00:17:f2:4f:3f:75

Warning: the mini won't boot without a console attached.   I believe
you can make a dummy plug to fool it into thinking there is a console.
Also, you need this in your rc.local or someplace similar:

# Magic tweak to put a Mac mini in "server mode" meaning it will
# reboot after a power failure.  Requires machdep.allowaperture=1
# (or better)
if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/pcitweak ]; then
        /usr/X11R6/bin/pcitweak -w 00:1f:0 -b 0xa4 0x00
        if [ "$(/usr/X11R6/bin/pcitweak -r 0:1f:0 -b 0xa4)" = "0x00" ]; then
                echo -n ' server-mode'

// marc

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