On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 04:09:51PM +0200, Joaquin Herrero wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having problems when I try to read or mount an audio disk in my OpenBSD
> 4.2 sparc64 machine.
> When I insert a data cdrom, the disklabel shows the partitions and I can
> mount it, but when it's an audio cdrom, disklabel doesn't show any partition
> and the system reports empty cdrom unit, in spite of having an audio cd
> inside.

that's expected.  audio CDs don't really have a filesystem.

> Any attempt to read the disk fails:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ cd-discid /dev/cdrom
> cd-discid: /dev/cdrom: CDROMREADTOCHDR: Inappropriate ioctl for device

$ /bin/ls -l /dev/cdrom
ls: /dev/cdrom: No such file or directory

/dev/cdrom doesn't exist by default.  you want /dev/rcd0c.  note
the 'r'.

> cdio works, but only when I use "cdplay" as the parameter, with "play" it
> just ends silently without playing.

'cdplay' rips the tracks and sends them to the soundcard as digital
data.  'play' tells the cd drive to output the data on the analog
outputs.  either you don't have your cd drive audio outputs physically
connected to your soundcard's inputs, or you have the corresponding
inputs muted or turned down too low.

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