> Leonardo, I've NEVER got any of the code for FREE, I've always paid
> for it by buying CDs, unlike you who might have done an FTP install,
> you're a cheap-skate aren't you.
> Go buy yourself a CD set, contribute to the OpenBSD foundation, or
> better still, since you are talking about flying pigs, go code up a
> good application in C for OpenBSD or enhance an existing one.
> ~Mayuresh

Err... I did not talk about flying pigs.
Please stop assuming things, that's quite childish. For your
information, I do buy CD sets, T-Shirts and books. It's quite
troublesome for me, since I live in Brazil and have to pay all those
heavy importation taxes and currency exchange rates. I do that because
OpenBSD helps me at work, so I try to give something back to the
project. For me, its a matter of moral consciousness.

Never getting the code for free, does not change the fact that the
code is still free, nor does it entitles you to demand anything from
the devs. You payed for the CD with the software and some cool
stickers, you got it. You should think not about the CD you bought,
the money you spent, but the help you gave to the project. The CD sets
are there for that purpose, to help the project, not to add
constraints to it.

This is my last mail. It seems that you're just trolling around, and I
do not want to feed the trolls anymore.

Leonardo Rodrigues

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