On 2/17/08 8:04 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
I'm not belittling the developers,
You do. They =give= software to you, for free, and you say it's not good enough. The only reason I reply is that in general your posts are refreshing but on this you are plain wrong.
> just that I really got irritated
when I lost 5 of the best developers (who were going to start work on a new TCP/IP stack) I'd gathered because Ted lost interest in his own work.
"5 of the best developers" get real, if so they why didn't one of them wrote the thread library too?
Someone with good enough brains wired in the right direction needs about 2 years to get enough fluent in C to be a serious developer. Those 2 years can concurrently be used to get a good idea of how OpenBSD works and how threading works and should/could work with OpenBSD. And then such a person would need just a few very inspired weeks to write the thread library.
As far as I know a few people have tried it and none succeeded very well. That's a pity, but please don't complain: Donate! Code or money! If you really believe Ted is the right person, donate lots of money to him.
If you have 5 of the best developers: Let them one of them write the thread library.