> altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 125Kb queue {std_out, voip_out, \
>  lowdelay, lowpri_out}
> queue lowpri_out priority 1
> queue std_out priority 4 priq(default)
> queue voip_out priority 11
> queue lowdelay priority 12

priq priorities are absolute. where there are higher priority
packets waiting to be sent, they'll be transmitted before lower
priority ones (which are likely to be starved out when the link
is bus).

> pass out queue (std_out,lowdelay)

here, you place ACKs from downloads at a higher priority than
your voip calls. this is unlikely to be what you want with priq
over a 140Kb/s link..

there are some other things you could look at too but changing
this would be a good place to start.

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