David Newman wrote:
On 1/23/08 4:21 PM, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

So, you could check for UDP RTP stream from that IP's and all phones can and are most likely preset with a fix range of ports that they can use and if you can find that, then you have all that you need.

Gack. No.

I've seen more than one MegaCorp use Linksys/D-Link/etc. routers for SoHo sites and open up ranges like udp/10000-20000 to allow VoIP. A lousy idea, for obvious reasons.

Don't forget I am referring at what's inside, not what's coming to him here.

Example the default for Cisco if not changed is 16384 to 32767 on the UDP ports. Talk about a wide range???

However, don't forget the original question is how to detect and stop traffic when VoIP is in use, so looking for the source IP's of the phone as i explain and the port range from that phone, then it does allow for the original question to be answer regardless of what's use outside.

That's why I say to look for that is OK in this case.

And as explain also if he also want to open the ports and obviously needs to do so for incoming, I also explain that he can and should find the IP of the remote VoIP gateways use and he can filter on that.

There is also something simple if he can change or configure the phone itself. You can preset the port range use on the phone as as such, the stream that will come to you will be in that range and you need two ports per stream only, so if your phone suppose conference as an example and you want to allow that, you can limit your port range on the phone to 4 ports only and you are set should you want to open these UDP port world wide in case you also do IP to IP calls. Don't forget that the port use are negotiated via the control port on UDP/5050 and that's when the phone dictate the port range that it wants to receive the stream on and as such, you can specify that as you see fit and not use a crazy range as you describe.

Again, as express as well that depend on the setup and if you are allow or have access to the phone setup to restrict these ports.

We still don't know what the user have access to or not, so all the suggestions may or may not apply, but many are valid here regardless of what's possible or not.



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