On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 11:27:42AM -0700, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
> Marc Espie wrote:
> >I have the beginning of a port of k3b. There are just a lot of things
> >in the realm of cd/dvd handling that need porting. It's not just a few
> >patches, and it will work.
> >
> >  
> That is a great news! I am sure that it is much more difficult than I 
> anticipated because of the way OpenBSD is handling  various  devices
> comparing to  Linux.  I bet  my life  that  the  program is Linux-centric.
> Please see the messages I exchanged with Jacob Mauser.  He  was a very 
> concern about specific library needed for compilation (which is not 
> listed on official web-site) and not available for OpenBSD.
> Can you get K3b compiling at least on your machine? Does it work? Can 
> you cut the simplest CD or DVD ISO.

It compiled, that's not too difficult to achieve, but it doesn't do anything

It's not really `great news'. Basically, all I did so far was assert
the difficulty of the task.

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