On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 10:11:47PM -0500, Steve Shockley wrote:
> Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> >I have a box that I want to keep as secure as I can but I also need to
> >be able to use a graphical browser from it (I know that this is a
> >trade-off).
> Assuming you've already decided to run X, then why not just run the 
> browser on your other machine and set the display to your server?  Or 
> use rdesktop to connect to a Windows machine or vnc client or whatever. 
>  That way any attacks would be an order of magnitude more difficult, an 
> attacker would have to exploit a bug both in the browser and a bug in X.

See the previous thread "adivce requested on security issue" where
someone wanted to keep normal browsing separate from on-line banking


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