NetOne - Doichin Dokov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> Hello all,
>>> Does anyone know which version of ISC DHCP that OpenBSD 4.2 uses for
>>> dhcpd(8)? I wasn't able to find any clue on the webpage or associated
>>> documentation.
>>> It feels a lot like a 2.x release based on the options available, but
>>> I just want to make sure.
>> I just started this OpenBSD ride.
>> But Webmin 1.8 tells me DHCP is VER 3.
> OpenBSD uses it's own DHCPD, not the ISC one.

>From the first sentence of `man dhcpd' on a brand-new OpenBSD 4.2

| The Internet Software Consortium DHCP Server, dhcpd, implements the
| Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and the Internet
| Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP).

I'm not assuming that they just dropped in a version of ISC's dhcpd
and went with it.  I'm just looking for some idea of its origins.


Tim Stewart
Lead UNIX Systems Administrator
Ciena Corporation
Alpharetta, GA, USA

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