Here is the output from the Intel DQ35MP:

boot> machine memory
Region 0: type 1 at 0x1000 for 630KB
Region 1: type 2 at 0x9e800 for 6kb
Region 2: type 2 at 0xe0000 for 128KB
Region 3: type 1 at 0x100000 for 998016KB
Region 4: type 4 at 0x3cfa0000 for 772KB
Region 5: type 1 at 0x3d061000 for 16800KB
Region 6: type 2 at 0x3e0c9000 for 8KB
Region 7: type 1 at 0x3e0cb000 for 688KB
Region 8: type 4 at 0x3e177000 for 348KB
Region 9: type 1 at 0x3e1ce000 for 64KB
Region 10: type 4 at 0x3e1de000 for 28KB
Region 11: type 1 at 0x3e1e5000 for 12KB
Region 12: type 3 at 0x3e1e8000 for 44KB
Region 13: type 1 at 0x3e1f3000 for 4KB
Region 14: type 3 at 0x3e1f4000 for 44KB
Region 15: type 1 at 0x3e1ff000 for 4KB
Region 16: type 2 at 0x3e200000 for 3072KB
Region 17: type 2 at 0x3e500000 for 1024kb
Region 18: type 2 at 0x3e600000 for 10240KB
Region 19: type 2 at 0xf0000000 for 131072KB
Region 20: type 2 at 0xffc00000 for 4096KB
Low ram: 634KB High ram: 1015580KB
Total free memory: 1016218KB

Atentamente, Marcos Laufer Marcos Laufer - * [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( 0800-444-HOSTING Rodriguez Peqa 468 1 C
----- Original Message ----- 
To: "rivo nurges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: Intel DQ35MP

In gmane.os.openbsd.misc, you wrote:
>  I had same problem with DQ965GF, DSDT was overwritten by msgbuf.
>  As a quick hack I changed msgbuf size and it solved my problem. I
>  haven't had time to debug it further.
>  Index: sys/arch/i386/include/param.h
>  ===================================================================
>  RCS file: /OpenBSD/src/sys/arch/i386/include/param.h,v
>  retrieving revision 1.42
>  diff -u -3 -p -r1.42 param.h
>  --- sys/arch/i386/include/param.h       1 Oct 2007 12:10:55 -0000       1.42
>  +++ sys/arch/i386/include/param.h       10 Jan 2008 19:13:18 -0000
>  @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
>   #define        USPACE_ALIGN    (0)             /* u-area alignment 0-none */
>   #ifndef MSGBUFSIZE
>  -#define MSGBUFSIZE     4*NBPG          /* default message buffer size */
>  +#define MSGBUFSIZE     2*NBPG          /* default message buffer size */
>   #endif

Please send me the output of 'machine memory' at the boot prompt
for this machine.  I think I know what is causing this...


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