On Jan 8, 2008 8:53 PM, Kevin Stam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looking at a response [2] on a message posted on Libtorrent-devel, I
> believe it is not an OpenBSD-only situation:
> "/me marks another notch on the list of kernels and compilers
> r/libtorrent has killed..."
> Either all of the various systems rtorrent crashes have similar bugs, or
> rtorrent has bugs. I don't currently have the time to ascertain which is
> which. Logic tells me it's more likely rtorrent, but I'm not a coder. Just
> tried to help out, that's all.

Well a single program shouldn't be able to hang the system. That's a
bug in the system to me. Likely that rtorrent just pushes systems
"harder" (in a horribly vaguely defined sense) somehow, exposing the

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