On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 02:07:03PM -0500, Richard Stallman wrote:
>     Man you are hard to talk to.  You keep making stuff up and don't reply
>     to questions people ask you.  I even tried to ask you politely.
> "You keep making stuff up" is a rather harsh accusation.  (Also, it
> isn't true.)  I am much easier t talk to if you don't attack.

I am not attacking you.  I am assuming you do your part of thinking and
research while you talk to me.  If you'd work for me I would have fired
you for this.  One is only allowed so many "I didn't know and didn't try
to figure it out" issues.  I am not being an ass; I am trying to talk
intelligently about these topics.

Don't blame me for being unable to converse with you.  I am trying but
we are not talking at the same level.  I apparently have too many
expectations for you.

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