On Mon, 07 Jan 2008 06:31:16 -0500, "Richard Stallman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     > But what about the different case where the company permits
>     > redistribution of the binary firmware, but does not release source
>     > code.  Would OpenBSD distribute the firmware in that case?
>     Of course and going by your description it is nothing but hardware at
>     that point
> No, that description refers to a different case.
>              so there is no ethics violation (whatever that means since
>     you refuse to explain it).  It is just like micro code and a circuit.
> I think firmware is equivalent to a circuit if it is inside the
> hardware and users don't install software there.
> Here we are talking about firmware which users always do install.
> (That is the reason why anyone would consider distributing it with an
> operating system.)  So that is not equivalent to a circuit.

Please Richard, educate yourself about firmware and stop making
yourself look like a complete moron.
BTW, STFU and go away.

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