On Jan 08 00:13:19, Reid Nichol wrote:
> --- Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >     Quick question, do we really need an endorsement from Richard
> >     Stallman and the FSF for OpenBSD?
> > 
> > If OpenBSD does not need my endorsement, then OpenBSD developers
> > should not need to argue with me that I owe them an endorsement.

Are you deaf or what? NOBODY CARES whether you "endorse" (or
"recommend"? or "suggest"?) OpenBSD, nobody asks for that, and nobody
wants it. OpenBSD's goals and policies are clearly stated on the
project's web page, and whether they are consistent with "being on RMS's
list" is a non-issue on here, at best.

You have made your non-point a THOUSAND TIMES already: OpenBSD
has a ports system, which lets you install non-free software.
(that's true, and nobody has a problem with that; unlike your
medialized statement that obsd contains non-free software).

So having made your non-point, why don't go away now?
No really, WHY?

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