2008/1/8, Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>     Quick question, do we really need an endorsement from Richard Stallman 
> and the
>     FSF for OpenBSD?
> If OpenBSD does not need my endorsement, then OpenBSD developers
> should not need to argue with me that I owe them an endorsement.

I don't think _anyone_ have ever argued that you owe them an
endorsement here, and I don't think anyone care at all!!! What
everybody is argue what the things you _said_ about OpenBSD.

0, They don't like OpenBSD to be called non-free.

1, They don't like it when you say OpenBSD { includes, contains,
recommends, suggests} non-free software.

2, They do not agree what the mere inclusion of url and receipt to
build and maintain non-free software is in anyway of  { including,
containing, recommending, suggesting} the actual non-free software

3, They do not consider that the firmware to be part of their
software, but rather the part of a device that runs by itself
separated from the rest of the system.

You probably have never done #0, but when you are doing #1 people do
think of you doing #0.

You are doing #1 because of #2... but unless you can convince people
about #2 and #3, we will always be endlessly argue on things based on
those 2 disagreement.

You should either accept that people are not going to agree with you
on #2 and #3, or find better ways to convince them... otherwise we are
not going to go anywhere, other than having a flame-fest then go home
and believe whatever you believed before.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
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